Thursday, April 21, 2011


         Sophie got the cast off her leg, but she's still weak. Another reason to yay-Passover, or Pesach. It's been Passover for a while now, but we just started posting about it. Happy Easter! Here, we have an egg hunt, but it has nothing to do with Christanity, no offense to Christians,if that somehow offends you. Just for fun. Happy holidays!
     Different subject: Ani (Kanani/Ahna) is bored to death. She can't do much except read, write or watch television. No post on Saturday because of Shabbos, Shabbat, or Sabbath. Bad news: Kaya might be leaving us. It's only a possibility, but she's possibly going up for adoption. She's always at music camps and such though.
        Something extremely new: Miriam wore pants. That sounds strange, but I meant not skirts and dresses as she always wears. PANTS! JEANS! The reason I'm calling her Miriam is that she isn't a fan of the name Mimi.She now prefers the name "Blu", short for her middle name Bluma. Off to practice my cheer. I'm trying out for cheer leading, even though Sophie and Julie think it's I and weird. Britta and City are fine with it. Here's Ani:
   I am soo bored~Ani.
 I've met Britta the Brutal. I guess she could be nice if she likes you, but other than that, nope. She seems to like me and Bex. No school tomorrow, but we might not post. UNEVENTFUL!! I had to go get my assignments from the teachers, so Bex, Britta and I walked to the school. This campus is sooooo big! It took us over an hour to get there, parshly due to my leg and to the fact it was a mile walk. I have to sleep. Good Night! Na dobronich (Ukrainian), dobrou nac (Czech),  boas noites (Galician), god natt (Norwegian), spokoinoi nochi (Russian), welterusten (Dutch) kalinychta (Greek).

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


         There's SO much news, but we haven't had the time to post at all!! First off, we're leaving Texas for...Minnesota! It actually snows there! I'm not trying to offend anyone who lives in a snowy place, but to be honest, I've never seen snow. Everyone here's lucky enough to have seen it at least once.
    About the picnic. This is what happened:
       We all got there a bit late, even though it was mandatory to be there on time for deportment or whatever. Dark storm clouds floated across the sky. It was cool and the lake sent a mighty wind towards a small island in the lake. The island was flat and treeless, making it easy to see the picnic tables and cabins scattered in the grass.  The tables were lined with girls in fancy dresses, topped with food and cakes. Mimi's hair fluttered like a butterfly, beautiful and gentle. Her face was uneasy, while Ami's face was thoughtful and happy.
Me: Uh oh, we have to take a boat. Does everyone know how to row?
Sophie: It's too small for all of us. We'll have to go two at a time.
Mimi: I, eh, theenk, you, Ahna, are only one who can, how you say? Row boat.
         For a second, I couldn't understand what Mimi said through her thick Yiddish/Russian/Norwegian accent. After that, I ended up taking everyone to the island, while Mimi sat in a withering oak tree, waiting for her impending turn.
Mimi: You are to be careful, yes?
Me: You don't need to worry, unless it starts raining or the waves act up.
         Shouldn't have said that.  The rain started like the thunder: fast and harsh as the wind that rocked the boat. Mimi screamed, while water sprang through a crack in the boat. Everyone at the picnic was staring, not knowing what to do. That's when I saw her - Beckie and Ami had taken another boat off the island to get us. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Almost instantaneously, their  boat flipped over, waves crashing over their heads. I struggled over, pulling them onto the small, flooded wooden boat. That's when it went black.
         I woke up in the school infirmery, my arm in a cast. Mimi, Ami, and Beckie were in the beds next to me. Looking down, I saw my skin was abnormally pale. Mimi blinked her dark sapphire eyes open,  staring at me.
Mimi: You, save me, Rebecca, and Ahavah-Tovah. Doctor say we no live without you pull us out of water. Thank you.
Me: Wha-what happened?
       My voice was rusty, as if I hadn't used it in days. The flourescent lights  shone down on the sickroom. It smelled of illness and latex gloves. I had that gross coppery taste in my mouth - the taste of my own blood.
Beckie sat up, her skin also extremely pallid.
Beckie: You pulled me and Ami out of the water, broke your arm on the side of the boat, and nearly died of blood loss. Don't try to picture it, it was ugly. We would've died without your help.
Me: I really doubt that you would've died. How long was I out?
Ami: About three days. We're not allowed out until everyone's better.
      I tried to sit up, but, to my dismay, black spots appeared across my vision. The next day, we got out of the sickroom, though I'm not allowed to leave the dorm without at least two people and a cellphone.

     More news: A new doll may come. It won't be Zipporah though. A friend who lives far off has a Kirsten doll, though we might rename  her. If not that, we might get a new laptop, which means more posts. I need sleep. I'll put up a poll in the morning though.