Monday, August 8, 2011

Sorry for not posting.~Sophie

              Before you decide to hate us, we have *drumroll please*... EXCUSES! We've been moving, and had to pack the computer, then had to find it, and had to wait longer to get internet. So we are BACK! We are now going to go to a one-room schoolhouse in Minnesota, living in an old house (no more dorms, yay!), in the country. We rule. Johanna's not here (delayed by the move. No specific time. We'll have her update tonight from New York, then later on on a train to Minneapolis and then, finally, here. Three months at most, at least a month. Sorry.) yet, though she is in New York. Here are some diary pages(blog minus internet.)-
                                 June 23, 2011. Ahna-
            I'm so bored. We've been packing up everything for a few days, so there's not much to do except walk around campus. I'm excited to get out of the dorm, because in the summer it's incrediably hot and stuffy. My arm hurts, but it'll be fine. We're leaving in about eight days. I'm worried about Mimi, she's sick. We don't know what it is yet, but I hope it's not anything serious. She's in the school infirmery right now, though the nurses don't think it's too serious, Ami isn't too sure. Ami said that Mimi's worst illnesses started out like this, just a cold, and then bloomed into raging sickness. It's worrying me. She's been really tired, has a fever, and gets HUGE headaches. More later,

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Trouble! ~ Johanna (Sorry for not posting on time!)

               Klara has Scurvy! That is a sickness you get from not getting enough fruits and vegetables, I think. No wonder, though! We have only bread and water, plus some soup to dip the bread in. Smells of glorious different foods drift down from the upper deck. One time, a boy from our deck snuck up there to steal a cabbage. Delicious it was too! Anyways, besides stealing food, there was no way to help Klara. I'm pretty sure no one here is a thief, though Annieke taught me how to pickpocket.
              Sneaking upstairs, I could see the light filtering down the door window. So close, I thought, yet so far. Suddenly, voices boomed down as the captain and a sailor shuffled down the stairs in front of me. I held my breath, squishing against the wooden wall, as the men walked closer and closer.
          "Do you hear that?" the sailor questioned, as he stopped directly in front of me. I was nearly out of breath, needing to gasp for air.
          "Hear what?" the captain replied, his breath stinking of gin.
           " Must be the waves. Could've  sworn I heard a mouse or something." answered the sailor, though he spoke German, he had the most distinct Cockney accent. The two men quickly walked off, to the second-class floor. After they had gone, I rushed up the stairs, my heart beating like a jackhammer. I opened the door, slithering through the crack that released the burning June sun into the dark hall. 
            On the first-class deck, fancy clothed women danced to their well-groomed husbands, while children in expensive suits and dresses ran around and played. I spotted a food table that was over-flowed with fruits and vegetables and delicacies so fancy that I, a young girl from a small, poor country village, had never even heard of. I hung my head, so no one could see my face, as I scuttled towards the buffet table. Just as I reached out to steal an orange, a girl's hand shot out and gripped my arm. I looked up, my clouded blue eyes into her brisk ones, her hair an angelically white blond ringlets, my dusty, caramel hair in straight, pained tangles.
         "What are you doing here?" jingled her soft feminine voice in perfect Swedish.
          " A child, a toddler, in my cabin, has Scurvy. They feed us only bread with vinegar for every meal. Please, please, PLEASE don't turn me in." creaked a voice in the back of my throat, dirty, and stinking of sickness. The girl stared, just stared. A crumble of worry embedded itself inside her brow. Slowly reaching out, she grabbed apples, tomatoes, oranges, peaches, pineapples, whatever fruits she could hold in the silk blue skirt of her long dress. She nodded, and I gathered fruits into my gray tunic that cut off just above the knees of my tattered old jeans. We bolted downstairs, into the steerage deck, looking out for sailors or guards.
         When we finally got to my cabin, she and I plopped the food on the floor, letting it roll to Klara, her skin paler than ever. The girl retreated upstairs, after promising to try to bring food every day.
              It is late, and I am tired.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Boat over the ocean. ~ Johanna, (Italics= different language.)

        Today I began my way across the ocean via boat. I would be on an airplane, but heights are NOT my thing. The boat smells, and I must share my match-box cabin with 11 other people. Only three of them I can understand, two are my age, twelve. Ship tickets were cheap for such a cramped space, but in hopefully less than four weeks I will be in America.The girl in my cabin is from Russia. Her name, I think, is Katia. She's from St.Petersburg. She's tall, with long, dark hair that would shine on a sunny day. Her little sister, Klara, is like a miniature version of Sophie, but with darker hair and doesn't speak. We worry for Klara, because she is a sickly little girl, only 3 years old, and in the grime of our cabin , it is likely that she would become ill. Annieke, a girl from the Netherlands that speaks a German-ized Dutch, or a Dutch-like German, says that we should get her to eat more. Annieke is from a small town near the German border. She is a great writer, ergo she helps with posting. She haves straight, blond hair and the greenest eyes in the world. I wish I had green eyes, instead of my shocking blue ones, for they frighten little Klara. My bangs like to wisp over them, though, so lille, little one (Norwegian), is able to be around me. She and Katia were raised in an extremely superstitious family, so Klara doesn't speak much, though I'm not sure she CAN speak at all. I hope our lille is okay...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New posting schedule/We post weekly AT LEAST ~ Sophie

          As school is letting out, we will have more time to post, ergo (proof that I've been hanging around with Ruthie too much. She's thinking of changing her name to Anne or just Ruth.) we will officially post every Sunday. We might be boring, hopefully be exciting, with our moving and all. Johanna is either coming this weekend or next month. I hope this weekend.  We start the posting schedule on either May 28th or June 4th. From now on, italicized text means it's either in another language, or it's a sound. Sorry about not posting, and all the boring posts, we're in a blog slump!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I'm letting Johanna post from Sweden today ~Johanna, translated by Sophie and Google translate

        Hello. My name is Johanna. I don't really know how to post on here, for I have no idea what to write. Getting to Cedar Heights is long process. First, I must qualify as United States citizen. Then, I must journey over the ocean and choose my classes. All the while,  everyone's words are foreign, strange, like snowflakes, wispy and beautiful, but melt to meaningless nothings once they reach you. All I want to do is to get a good education, and become a dancer. I know, a childish dream, but I love dancing, especially Ballet and tradition Ukrainian, though I'm German/Swedish. I'm probably going to get to the school by June 20th.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

And I have no common sense...~Sophie

      I, am so empty headed! I invited Johanna to the school when she can't even speak a word of English! I want to be near meine Halbschwester, er, my half-sister, but how hard it is when all the words you know are so useless and meaning to others! She speaks Swedish, Russian, Yiddish, Ukrainian, German, and Norwegian fluently, but no English! She, Johanna (YO-han-na), really wants to be here but... She's still coming, don't get me wrong, unless something pops up last minute. Oy vey! What should I do?

And winner of poll is...~Mimi and Ahna

           We will be getting Beckie and Sophie's half sister. Her name is Johana Liesl Rosenbrennen-Vintervala. LONG name, I know. She's a new immigrant, from Sweden, though she was born in Germany. We'll write more later.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


         Sophie got the cast off her leg, but she's still weak. Another reason to yay-Passover, or Pesach. It's been Passover for a while now, but we just started posting about it. Happy Easter! Here, we have an egg hunt, but it has nothing to do with Christanity, no offense to Christians,if that somehow offends you. Just for fun. Happy holidays!
     Different subject: Ani (Kanani/Ahna) is bored to death. She can't do much except read, write or watch television. No post on Saturday because of Shabbos, Shabbat, or Sabbath. Bad news: Kaya might be leaving us. It's only a possibility, but she's possibly going up for adoption. She's always at music camps and such though.
        Something extremely new: Miriam wore pants. That sounds strange, but I meant not skirts and dresses as she always wears. PANTS! JEANS! The reason I'm calling her Miriam is that she isn't a fan of the name Mimi.She now prefers the name "Blu", short for her middle name Bluma. Off to practice my cheer. I'm trying out for cheer leading, even though Sophie and Julie think it's I and weird. Britta and City are fine with it. Here's Ani:
   I am soo bored~Ani.
 I've met Britta the Brutal. I guess she could be nice if she likes you, but other than that, nope. She seems to like me and Bex. No school tomorrow, but we might not post. UNEVENTFUL!! I had to go get my assignments from the teachers, so Bex, Britta and I walked to the school. This campus is sooooo big! It took us over an hour to get there, parshly due to my leg and to the fact it was a mile walk. I have to sleep. Good Night! Na dobronich (Ukrainian), dobrou nac (Czech),  boas noites (Galician), god natt (Norwegian), spokoinoi nochi (Russian), welterusten (Dutch) kalinychta (Greek).

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


         There's SO much news, but we haven't had the time to post at all!! First off, we're leaving Texas for...Minnesota! It actually snows there! I'm not trying to offend anyone who lives in a snowy place, but to be honest, I've never seen snow. Everyone here's lucky enough to have seen it at least once.
    About the picnic. This is what happened:
       We all got there a bit late, even though it was mandatory to be there on time for deportment or whatever. Dark storm clouds floated across the sky. It was cool and the lake sent a mighty wind towards a small island in the lake. The island was flat and treeless, making it easy to see the picnic tables and cabins scattered in the grass.  The tables were lined with girls in fancy dresses, topped with food and cakes. Mimi's hair fluttered like a butterfly, beautiful and gentle. Her face was uneasy, while Ami's face was thoughtful and happy.
Me: Uh oh, we have to take a boat. Does everyone know how to row?
Sophie: It's too small for all of us. We'll have to go two at a time.
Mimi: I, eh, theenk, you, Ahna, are only one who can, how you say? Row boat.
         For a second, I couldn't understand what Mimi said through her thick Yiddish/Russian/Norwegian accent. After that, I ended up taking everyone to the island, while Mimi sat in a withering oak tree, waiting for her impending turn.
Mimi: You are to be careful, yes?
Me: You don't need to worry, unless it starts raining or the waves act up.
         Shouldn't have said that.  The rain started like the thunder: fast and harsh as the wind that rocked the boat. Mimi screamed, while water sprang through a crack in the boat. Everyone at the picnic was staring, not knowing what to do. That's when I saw her - Beckie and Ami had taken another boat off the island to get us. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Almost instantaneously, their  boat flipped over, waves crashing over their heads. I struggled over, pulling them onto the small, flooded wooden boat. That's when it went black.
         I woke up in the school infirmery, my arm in a cast. Mimi, Ami, and Beckie were in the beds next to me. Looking down, I saw my skin was abnormally pale. Mimi blinked her dark sapphire eyes open,  staring at me.
Mimi: You, save me, Rebecca, and Ahavah-Tovah. Doctor say we no live without you pull us out of water. Thank you.
Me: Wha-what happened?
       My voice was rusty, as if I hadn't used it in days. The flourescent lights  shone down on the sickroom. It smelled of illness and latex gloves. I had that gross coppery taste in my mouth - the taste of my own blood.
Beckie sat up, her skin also extremely pallid.
Beckie: You pulled me and Ami out of the water, broke your arm on the side of the boat, and nearly died of blood loss. Don't try to picture it, it was ugly. We would've died without your help.
Me: I really doubt that you would've died. How long was I out?
Ami: About three days. We're not allowed out until everyone's better.
      I tried to sit up, but, to my dismay, black spots appeared across my vision. The next day, we got out of the sickroom, though I'm not allowed to leave the dorm without at least two people and a cellphone.

     More news: A new doll may come. It won't be Zipporah though. A friend who lives far off has a Kirsten doll, though we might rename  her. If not that, we might get a new laptop, which means more posts. I need sleep. I'll put up a poll in the morning though.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I'm soo sorry about not posting lately!! ~Ahna

                  So busy!! We do have an excuse for not writing: School Arts Finales and a broken computer. Whatever art you chose for the year to practice (mine was traditional Japanese art!), you had to do at least three tests on it. Sophie's at her violin lessons. The computer's been broken since the Saturday after we last wrote. The cat knocked it down and shattered the screen.
       Anyway, I talked to Mimi and learned somethings about her:
-She HATES water. For some mysterious reason, she's terrified of it. I asked her to go on a walk, being it March, with all the nice warmer weather, when we walked past the lake, I jump in. She freaks out. I thinks she's worried either of fish (I highly doubt this) or drowning.
-She has MANY sisters.  To name a few: Ami, Lisbet, Henrietta, Leah, Lily, Carly, Sarah, Eve, and Ava. These are only first names or nicknames given to me by Ami. Imagine living in a family that large! Well, it's not a bad thing to have a large family, but it seems hard.
     Will write more tomorrow, its LATE! I think tomorrow there's a required (ugh!) picnic by the lake, so Mimi's going to have to face it...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I have no idea if this will work...~Sophie

        Okay, I, being the "computer whiz" I am, have decided to attempt (NO guantee that they will show on the page!!) to upload photos in order to escape the boredom that having a broken leg has induced me to. Ugh. If I start talking/typing/whatever you call it, in a Ruthie-ish kind of way, it's because she left her books here and guess who's been reading them? So, here is my sad little try at working a web cam:
Are you serious? I even laugh at this.
Ugh. This is an obvious failure at computer skills.
P.S. I'm thinking of changing the name of this blog. I'll put up a poll. AG Gals just sounds completely unprofessional. Any suggestions you have PLEASE put them in the comments!!

Anyways, besides my complete incompetence at computer skills, here is Ahna:

Frustration, Frustration, FRUSTRATION!! ~Ahna
     Sorry, I felt that needed a title of it's own. Anyways, I've been trying to make friends with Mimi, but she refuses to respond! Earlier I tried to talk to her...
Me: Hi, I'm Kanani, you can just call me Ahna.
Mimi:  ....hello....
Me: Erm....Do you want to go to the garden with me?
Mimi: ...I things to do. Maybe some other time?
     And then she just runs off! She seems nice, but Mimi only really talks to Ami, her sister, in some kind of Yiddish-Russian-Norwegian-English mix. If she would just open up... Well, I'm EXHAUSTED. First day of lessons here and I have had a "light" load of homework (by "light" I mean an etiquiette paper on dinner, 3 math papers, a science project, and an English/History paper about a fictional character in Jamestown. I wonder what a lot of homework here is...) Guten Nacht (German for Good Night!)


Monday, February 21, 2011

Finally!~Ahna (Kanani Akina)

      I'm finally here! After ages of traveling, I am at Cedar Heights! I like it here, though I miss the beach and my little town. Everyone's so nice here, but...It's not comfortable yet. I mean, all my roommates are nice and all, but I don't really connect with them. I'm a bit younger than them, (I'm only 10.) though they all seem okay with that. More about me: I love the water. I love the beach, I love water sports. Apparently, there's a bully, Britta, here. Sophie tried to get the principle to help, but all she did was give Britta a detention. That doesn't usually help. It's supposedly lots less severe. Britta seems BRUTAL: She broke Sophie's friend Ami's leg. Here's my impression of everyone so far:
 Sam: She's nice. Seems like someone that would protest anything she thinks is immoral.
City: She loves horses like I love the ocean. Seems a bit shy, but only when not in a group.
Ruthie: VERY smart. Science-y, loves to experiment. Also very bookish.
Kaya: I haven't met her yet, because she's at music camp. She's apparently not very musical, but goes anyway for extra-credit.
Chrissa: Artsy. Nice. Smart. Strong. A bit girly.
Ami: Loud, but in a good way. She's really funny, but seems hot-headed.
Mimi: Shy. I think she could be a great friend, but is afraid to try. She also seems a bit lonely and tired, like Rachel.
Julie: She's athletic and seems like Sam, and would protest.
Bex: She's dramatic, and loves theatre. Everyone else calls her Beckie, but she told me to call her Bex.
Sophie: She's musical, with bouncy blond hair that seems to hum along with her violin music. She's amiable (Ruthie for nice) and is going to be famous one day.
    I'm exhausted. I actually got here yesterday, though it was late, so I had to unpack all day today. I'll try to post tomorrow.
PS Am I supposed to sign off like this? BTW you pronounce my name how it's spelled AH-nah.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How I broke my leg~Sophie

      I have NOTHING to do, because of that Britta. Yes, I do have a broken leg. So, during gym, we were out on the field, and we were playing soccer. I didn't even have the ball, but Mimi did and she was in front of us. Britta runs over and "falls" (*cough*body slam, not kidding *cough*cough*) on me. Later I woke up in the nurse's office. Sam and Sophie got REALLY mad at Beckie and Britta. Tomorrow,  Everyone but me is going to see the principle about Britta. I HATE being stuck in bed/a chair all day. Grr....
       The results for the poll are in... Though Zipporah won the poll, Kanani is coming. We checked the results too early and used them. On a lighter subject, we'll now have something to post on the travel blog. Kaya should be at music camp by now, so check at the Travel Blog for that.
      I honestly don't know anything with what's going on right now. We won the Heart Outfit giveaway on Doll Diaries. ( is an awesome doll news website). I'm going to go to sleep now. Night!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


       Sorry that we haven't posted for a few days. Anyway, my violin is back, so yay for me. We're almost sure on the decision for who is coming here: Kanani Mila Akina. So unless you vote, she'll probably come here. It's supposed to snow tonight. I don't know where Beckie is . I think she's at Britta's house.I hope she's staying out of trouble. I HOPE IT SNOWS!!!! Well nothing much has happened here except Britta's still being annoying. Well, I have to get up early so good night!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hi! Poll talk!~Sophie

         Hi, I was sick, but not anymore. Any way, the two finalist results for the poll are, drum roll please, Kanani v. Zipporah. We're going to do things differently with this poll today, so Kanani will say why she should come, then Zipporah will say why she should come. Here's Kanani's:
    Kanani Mila Akina: Aloha! I'm Kanani Akina. I come from Hawaii. I can bring exciting stories from Hawaii to this blog. I REALLY want to meet all the girls here, and  maybe help out with Britta. I love the ocean and sea creatures. I hope that you vote for me to join Cedar Heights. Thank You!
    Zipporah-Yentel Batya Lidenberg-Goldstein: Hello! My name is...too long to repeat, so call me YaYa, Zippie, or Yente (YentAH). I love books, wolves, forests, and anything that involves the woods and camping. I think I could help make this blog better because I will most likely make photostories about camping outside. I hope to see my sisters soon as possible. Vote Yente!
     Well, that was it. Here's a picture of meine schwester, er, my sister:

       Vote soon. I like Cedar Heights better than InnerstarU. We have a lot more homework, but we get to have studyhall before and after school. I need to do homework now, so bye!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


      You will not believe this: we're getting a school transfer. We will all go from InnerstarU to the 'exemplary' school called Cedar Heights School of Fine Arts for Young Women at Texas, aka CHSFAYWT, or Cedar Heights. We will get new roommates, though the dormitories are much bigger, they are at the other side of the campus than our classes. Ami, Mimi, Rissa, and Ruthie are room B-13,second floor, Beckie, Sophie and I are in room E-11, the fifth floor, Ivy, Julie, City and Kaya are room C-12, third floor.It's been hard moving to a new school, mainly because we all have more classes. Here's my (Sam) schedule:
1. Social Studies
2. English/reading
3. Dance/Theater(dance every other day)
6. Orchestra/Choir/Band (one day orchestra/cello, next day choir, next day band/piano)
7. Mathematics
     Sadly, Britta and her little clique are also transferred, AND have the same schedule as me and Ruthie. My favorite class so far is band, even though piano is hard. All of the teachers call us by are real names, like they call me Samantha, Sophie is Sophia Jutta, Ami get REALLY mad when she's called Ahava Tovah, mainly because she dropped that name. Mimi is the only one who doesn't mind at all. I need to sleep now. So far on the poll, we will probably get either Kanani or Zipporah. Vote please. Good Night!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Poll ~Ami

     Okay, we're putting up a new pole about who's coming over for Sophie's (and my) birthday. First choice is the bookish Zipporah. We're not sure if she's still bookin' it up, as we haven't heard from her since 2008. She apparently LOVES wolves. We're moving to Minnesota so whoopie for her. The second is Kanani Akina. No explanation needed, go to Third is mystery doll, which we can't reveal until the poll is done. I give a hint: Civil War. Oops that just gave it away. It's Addy. Fourth is my very own sister, Lisebet Katjusta (pronounced lies-EE-bet kat-YUSK-ah). She's really nice, and is honestly a computer whiz. I have to go to bed now. Night!

PS I come on the website all the time, but never really post. I add pages, create polls, all that good stuff. Good Night!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sorry! ~Sam

     Sorry that we haven't posted in a few days! The flu's going around down here in Texas, and nearly everyone here has got it! The only people not sick today: Me, (Samantha, I don't usually post.), City, Beckie/whatever she calls herself, Kaya (who's leaving for music camp tomorrow, that lasts about 6 months, it being in Canada), and Ami. Sophie's REALLY EXTREMELY ANGRY with Britta because she "accidentally" poured juice into her violin. Charlie (yes, the violin has a name.) is in the hospital right now. And then there's the packing. In 6 months we're moving to a small town near Duluth Minnesota. The move is in July so don't worry right now. Sophie thinks Zippi (her sister) might come for her birthday on February 19. It might not happen so don't get your hopes up. This is all I know on Zippi: Full Name: Zipporah-Yentel Batya Lidenberg-Goltdstein. She was born before her parents were married, so that's why she has the long name. She is my age, at 12 (doll years) and 3 months. She's only a bit younger than me. I was born in August, she was born in November. That's all I know, so we'll learn more later. I have school tomorrow so G'Night!

~Sam (am I supposed to sign off like this?)

Friday, January 14, 2011

URGH!! ~Sophie

            Ivy has been complaining about Britta, and I know why. She is the most obnoxious, annoying, rude girl I've ever met. The worst part is that she's Beckie's best friend. We got in a fight about it earlier. It was as follows:
Me: Why do you hang out with Britta? She's the meanest girl in school!
Beckie: She's not mean! You and your little friends are too judgmental! I'm not just friends with Bri, I'm also friends with Bridget, Beatrix, Bella, Bonni and Bina.
Me:  All you have in common with them is your name begins with 'B'! And your nickname is Beckie!
Beckie: Quit calling me Beckie! I go by Bex or Becca now. We all have nicknames; Britta is Bri, Bridget is Bria,  Beatrix is Trixie or Bea, Bella becomes Bebe, Ella, or Ellie or Lala, Bonnie's BonBon, and Bina's is Binnie or Ina. And we're all in Theater
Me: That's so stupid! Bex sounds like box!
At this point Ivy had walked in.
Ivy: Are you in the middle of something? Oh golly, is Britta over again. Why does she come over? She laughs at me during Gymnastics.
Me: Told you! She's EVIL!! I just want to...
Beckie: Umm... She's in the bathroom! Ivy, she laughs at you because your moves are sooo old. Try learning new ones! Sophie, she dislikes you because you are annoying! I used to be mad when she said that but I understand it now!
                    Have you ever heard the saying that silence is loudest? I finally get it. It was like a heavy cloak of tension that settled over my shoulders. If I was Ami, I would've screamed. Had this been Ami and Mimi, Mimi would have backed away by now. We would be screaming. No, this was worse, much worse. Beckie, my twin sister, was acting like a 16 year old, changing her name, and hanging out with the school bully. Wow. This is getting weird.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hello!~Ivy Ling

           Hello! I'm not entirely sure what to write about. I got here yesterday and so far it's been okay. All of the other girls here seem nice, but except for Sophie, Rissa and Julie (I've known her forever!), everyone seems a little shy. Samantha is funny, but it seems like she only talks in a group of people. Felicity is nice, but she seems like she doesn't want to talk, but go outside. Ruth is buried in books. Kaya is always running around the campus.  Ami is talkative, but we don't really 'click'. Miriam/ Mimi is just plain shy. Beckie is always at theater club. The best thing here is Gymnastics class, and even then there are a few problems there! A girl on the team is completely obnoxious Her name is Britta. She is ANNOYING! Yesterday, after I first got here, she comes up and tells me how "great" I look. I don't mean to be whiny, but it's not great here. At least I can see Julie again.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Kanani Review/We are inconsistant...~Julie, Beckie, and Sophie

         Okay, we are offically going to be joined by Ivy Ling. We were going to get Kanani Akina, but Sophie's birthday is in February, so we will ask for her then.We're excited!!! Sorry about the inconsistancy of who was coming here. Ivy should be here by not this Friday, but the next. I like Kanani, but she is a bit stereotypical. Not all Hawaiians are surfers and go to lu'aus. Not all Texans are farmers and hillbillies. I think Kanani is pretty though. I love how she helps endangered animals and stuff. I wonder what the new Historical character is. American Girl copyrighted the names McKenna and  Teagan, and both sounds Irish or British. She might be from the 1840's, when Ireland had a famine and many people came to America. Anyway, here is a picture, from, of Ivy for those of you who don't know what she looks like:
          She is my (Julie) best friend from California. We have to start school on Tuesday. Ugh. Well, I should got to sleep now. Bye!